I am off tomorrow to the Northern VA Chapter of the American Sewing Guild's annual retreat. For the past few years we have had our retreat a 4-H camp. This year we decided that we could no longer face the institutional food and plastic covered mattresses so we are really stepping it up and going to the mega star hotel
The George Washington Wyndham Hotel! I feel like breaking into song and what comes to mind is Off to see the Wizard, Get Your Grove On, and a few others that are not blog worthy.
These are my projects I plan to complete!

1. this bag kit from
Stephanie Quatrinni

2. this top from
Hot Patterns

3. This hat for a baby gift
4. Several UFOs (unfinished Objects)
I laugh as I type this list and say to self -
really? If I get one these projects done I will be happy.
I hope to post lots of pictures of the retreat.
Happy Sewing,
Michele P
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